About Us
We are an environmental charity specialising in the ecological restoration of native grasslands and associated ecosystems.
-We are currently fundraising for three campaigns.
-We welcome bequests to help further our mission and objectives of restoring and protecting our precious natural environment and the species that call it home.
Native vegetation and specifically grassy woodland plant associations have been poorly conserved or highly modified in most areas of the Adelaide Mount Lofty Ranges (AMLR). They were recognised federally as endangered by the Australian Nature Conservation Agency in March 1993. There is little connectivity between the few patches of grassy woodland remaining. Past attempts to link or restore these areas have primarily focused on over storey trees and shrubs rather than the species rich ground flora of herbaceous plants and grasses.
Figures from an AMLR Natural Resources (NR) report in 2014 shows that the region has had 38 flora and 37 fauna extinctions (13 mammals, 13 birds, 6 reptile/amphibians, 4 fish and 1 insect). Another 212 fauna species and 827 flora species are threatened with extinction. One thing they all have in common is that they are dependent on a complete functioning ecosystem comprising of diverse native grassland species that have largely been eradicated. SA Professor Hugh Possingham and Associate Professor David Paton first raised their concerns about species loss in 2000 and 2001. One of the most important steps in achieving restoration of these habitats has previously been ignored in restoration attempts, that is ensuring the ecological design of restoration sites includes the habitat requirements of the targeted species.
In the current Natural Resources Management (NRM) plan, it states that 30% (150,000 Ha) of habitat restoration is required to reverse the current trend of species extinctions. Our SA native grasslands stand at 1% (99% lost). According to the Atlas of South Australia (1986), in 1836, only 1.2% of the state’s vegetation was forest. The habitat restoration focus must be on biodiversity and ecosystem reconstruction with an emphasis on the complexity of native grassland vegetation communities, not just tree planting.
In 2004 revolutionary research to reconstruct native grassland communities on the broad acre began in Western Victoria by the University of Melbourne and Greening Australia. Seven years later in Mt Pleasant, the Upper Torrens Land Management Project (UTLMP) adapted their approach to suit our very different landscapes and thus initiated a giant leap forward for our region and our State.
This project commenced in June 2012, with primary funding from the Australian Government’s Biodiversity Fund. Other funding and vital support have come from the wider community, the UTLMP, Upper River Torrens Landcare Group, Native Grass Resources Group (NGRG), AMLR NR and The Barossa Council and the Adelaide Hills Council.
We are now continuing this vital work in the form of a Not For Profit business, Seeding Natives Incorporated. Our esteemed board consists of the following highly skilled and respected individuals in their field of specialty.